By: Audrey John

Morlai Dumbuya made another appearance before Magistrate Peter Gogra of Pademba road court No.6 in Freetown on one count charge to wit Larceny in dwelling house contrary to Section 13 (a) of the Larceny Act of 1916.

According to the particulars of offence on the 8th January 2022 at No.3c Lumley Road Lumley the western area in Freetown with intent to steal entered into the dwelling house of Raymond Ndonje and stole therein one Taifa Tablet phone property of Statistics Sierra Leone while in the custody of Raymond Ndonje.

First Prosecution witness (PW1) Raymond Kapindi Ndonje (Statistic s/Leone mid-term Census supervisor) said on the date of incident he was carrying three Tablet containing Census data and a physical cash of one million seven hundred thousand Leones (1,700,000 LE). 

The witness revealed that earlier handed over to the accused person clothes for his personal and left him in the parlor for the bathroom and upon his return the tablets were missing.

 He asked to the accused person about the missing tablet but denied seeing or knowing anything about it. He said after two weeks a relative of the accused person told him that he saw the specific electronic tablet. He immediately went to Lumley police station to make report. The accused person was not legally represented, while Assistant Superintendent of police Eric A Deen is prosecuting the matter.

Magistrate Gogra refused bail and sent him to the male correctional center in Freetown. Matter adjourned to the 28th March 2022.

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