By: RSLAF Communication Unit

On Thursday 12th December 2024, the Chief of Defence Staff Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces, Major General Amara Idara Bangura addressed Western Area troops at the Julius Maada Bio Parade Square.

The purpose of the address was to inform troops of the recent developments within the RSLAF. The discussions of the Major General Bangura focused on the recent Retirement and Discharge of some RSLAF Officers, Disciplinary/Misconduct, Absent without Leave (AWOL), Manning Control Point, Performance, Development Strides, Solution on Annual Leave Allowances and Welfare issues in general.

Major General Bangura described himself to the troops as a messenger of hope and that his Vision is to have “A well-motivated and operationally efficient force that leverages on technology, professionalism and cohesion to deliver its national security objectives” he said.

Whilst his Mission he emphasized is to “Have a force that is well-trained and combat-ready capable of deterring and defeating threats, as well as contributing to national development”.

His Command Philosophy he further stressed is “Leadership the Golden Thread to deliver capacity and development for the RSLAF ffective leadership and welfare of personnel.

He underscored the recent happenings in the RSLAF, referencing the 26th November 2023 attempted failed coup as a scar in the face of RSLAF but as CDS he has assured His Excellency the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces Brigadier (Rtd) Dr Julius Maada Bio that over 90% of the Soldiers were not involved.

The troops vigorously responded with one voice that the bad eggs must be rooted out from the RSLAF.

The Chief of Defence Staff reminded the troops that the oath of allegiance they took to join the RSLAF on the Holy Bible and the Holy Qur’an must never be betrayed as it is a Covenant between the RSLAF and God almighty which will surely haunt them if they act against the oath.

He continued that those who allowed themselves to be used by rouge actors have become fugitives, while others have paid heavy prices with their lives and their families been in disarray.

The troops assured the CDS with one voice that “NEVER AGAIN, WE WILL NOT JOIN THEM”. The CDS admonished that they should not allow to be abused and dumbed by anyone but to always remember their oath to the state.

He warned the Non Commissioned Officers to step up and do their works judiciously as they are the engine of the RSLAF. He continued that the training schools are going to become the heartbeat of RSLAF as Instructors are going to be well supported as long as they don’t have any disciplinary problems.

The CDS also stressed that he is a welfare CDS, who will ensure that the welfare of troops is well catered for as most of the challenges of RSLAF are welfare issues. He confirmed to troops that the things affecting the Military Barracks are water facilities, good toilets and roads. He finformed RSLAF troops that in just one week of his assumption of office as the CDS, he has started digging three boreholes in Murray Town Barracks and three boreholes in Juba Barracks.

He continued that in less than one week, no Military dependant in those places will move across streets again to fetch water. He continued that the Murray Town Barracks road will be re-constructed before the New Year. The next target will be Juba Barracks, followed by Wilberforce Barracks. He affirmed that, he and his Generals will look out for support to construct the Wilberforce Barracks roads. He additionally emphasized that he will also dig boreholes and toilet facilities in the Wilberforce Barracks general area.

Another developmental stride the CDS mentioned to troops was that he has provided for the RSLAF in just one week of his assumption to office a BUS SERVICE which has been established to transport personnel with legal passes within Freetown to help them with transportation cost.

On the area of discipline, the CDS reminded troops on the lessons learnt from recent actions taken against fugitives which are conviction by the competent Courts of Law to jail terms. He admonished the troops to report any communication with fugitives, Guard against inclusion on WhatsApp groups, remain professional and apolitical. He also reminded them that communication with fugitives could be traced.

Major General Bangura warned troops against Absent Without Leave (AWOL). He also highlighted that head counts will be conducted weekly and those on AWOL will be dismissed from Active Service through procedural means.

Moreover, the CDS discussed the issue of Annual Leave with the Commanding Officer of the Armed Forces Personnel Centre to the satisfaction of troops that he will ensure RSLAF personnel receive their Annual Leave allowances before proceeding on their leaves.

He informed the troops about his “Golden Thread” idea wherein the interest of the RSLAF surpasses self-interest which is true leadership demonstration. He said that the level of leadership can make or break down any institution. He emphasized that his Golden Thread has always been leadership.

The troops asked pertinent questions concerning their welfare ranging from water facilities in the Barracks, Terms and Conditions of Service (TACOS), promotions, annual leave and dress code which were adequately answered to the satisfaction of the troops. The CDS further visited the Warrant Officers and Sergeants Mess at Wilberforce Barracks and held a fruitful discussion with them.

He firmly told them that what happened on the 26th of November 2023 should not have happened if the Senior Non Commission Officers had firm grip of their men. He strongly reminded the Senior Non Commissioned Officers that they took an oath to defend the people and State; hence they should tune their minds and deliver their jobs professionally.



















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