By: Audrey Raymonda John

Twenty-two years old maada Kandeh a motorbike rider made his first appearance before Magistrate Sahr Kekura of Pademba road court No.1 in Freetown on a count of Larceny contrary to section 2 of the Larceny Act of 1916.

According to the particulars of offence on Monday 11th November 2024 at New England Ville the western area in Freetown Stole one iPhone value thirteen thousand Leones (13,000) property of Serray Modu Yansaneh.

When the charge was read and explained to the accused person he pleaded not guilty

The prosecutor Inspector Kadie M Taylor sought for a short adjournment date for because her witness was absent in court.

Meanwhile Magistrate Kekura granted the accused person bail in the sum of fifty thousand Leones with one surety in like sum surety must be resident in Freetown and should produce valid identity card depicting his or her address in Freetown bail to be approved by the Deputy Assistant Registrar Matter adjourned to the 11th December 2024.























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