By: Thaimu Bai Sesay
Sierra Leone, amidst a swift decline in the dissemination and intake of Kush following a presidential declaration, has unveiled a robust strategy to tackle drug abuse in the nation. At a government press briefing on Tuesday, May 7th, 2024, Prof. Foday Sahr, the Coordinator of the National Task Force on Drug and Substance Abuse, outlined the strategic methods aimed not only at addressing the Kush issue but also providing a sustainable solution to drug abuse.
Prof. Foday Sahr highlighted the goals, structures, and pillars guiding the operations of the Task Force. Funded by the Inter-ministerial Committee, the Task Force established robust structures and conducted outreach across all 16 districts to assess the magnitude of the Kush problem at the community level.
The Task Force’s objectives were elucidated, with a focus on reaching 70 percent of communities nationwide with information on Kush, reducing youth drug abuse by 80 percent within one to two years, establishing treatment and rehabilitation centers in each district, and facilitating the reintegration of victims into education or employment.
Ensuring sustainability, Prof. Foday Sahr emphasized the hierarchical structure of the Task Force, with the President leading, followed by the Inter-ministerial Committee, National Coordination Committee, and the 247 Situation Room for reporting drug abuse-related incidents. The operations of the Task Force are guided by five pillars, including public information dissemination, community engagement, care and treatment, rehabilitation and reintegration, and law enforcement and border control.
In the forthcoming weeks, the Task Force plans to prioritize launching a national campaign to disseminate accurate information on Kush and its dangers, expanding treatment centers, creating post-treatment opportunities, and strengthening drug control laws.
Prof. Foday Sahr expressed gratitude for the support from both local and international partners, highlighting recent positive outcomes from engagements with the US-CDC and State Department of Health, which pledged medical and technical assistance in the fight against drug abuse.
In conclusion, Prof. Foday Sahr urged collective action, stating, “If we all put hands together, we would be able to fight against drug abuse and make Sierra Leone a brighter nation for all.” The unveiling of this comprehensive strategy marks a significant step forward in Sierra Leone’s efforts to combat drug abuse and create a safer, healthier society.
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