April 21, 2021
By: Joseph Tengbeh
Aberdeen beach is located at the western part of the country capital Freetown. The said beach has many natural spots that attract citizens and tourist to always love to be around it environs, especially when the sun is scorching ones back while the sea breeze is wafting.
However, the beauty of this natural endowment is gradually washing away with filth taking over the scenery. Residents and tourist around the vicinity have raised concern to this medium, calling on the Ministry of Tourism to act fast in bringing back its glory, and to put measures in place in curtailing dumping of the dirt.
This concern raised could be in connection with the forthcoming 60th national independent celebration; were the beach will be used by both citizens and tourist to spend precious time with friend, family members or for many other reasons.
Responding to interviews questions, business owners around the beach told this medium that they are making all efforts to clean the beach. The added that they are paying taxes for their businesses, and that they were seeing people from the Ministry who were in-charge to clean the beach but till date they have stop seeing them.
“With the many entertainment and business centers with the Aberdeen-Lumley beach, these are tourist attractive zone and revenue generated areas”, said a Club Owner.