Sierra Leoneans residing at Mamando village Koya chiefdom portloko District, have called on the government of Sierra Leone to provide them with basic necessities like pipe born water, school, medical center, and also good toilets facilities.
The people made this statement during a spot check visit to the people of Mamando village with this writer to do an overview of what are the challenges and basic needs of those people in that part of Sierra Leone.
In his statement, Mr. Saidu Kamara former head man and a long- time resident since his birth, told this writer that since when he was born decades ago, he never saw the government of Sierra Leone came in to the Mamando village to construct a school, health care center, or neither pipe born water for the people of this village.
Mr. Kamara continue that their children and lactating mother’s, have been suffering for far too long just to access good health care. “The only mean we are using up till now in this technology world is our traditional medicine”, he said.
Mr. Saidu Kamara noted that he was very happy to see a journalist to come and see what has been going on in their village and the neighborhood villages like Ma ball, ma tabai, Mamboima, Ma ballay among others. he said the visit of the journalist would provide firsthand information to see how they have been neglected government in government out.
” I am very my brother to see and giving us the opportunity to show you and tell what our challenges, politicians only came to us when it’s politics after which they are no were to be found anymore”, he noted.
Mr. Saidu Kamara, concluded by appealing to the government of Sierra Leone and other local or international non-governmental organizations to please seek their needs as soon as possible.