By: James Kamara-Manneh
There are many perspectives wrangling by various opposition party members and ill-minded Sierra Leonean concerning the newly launched Freetown international Airport.
For the doubting ‘Thomases’ leaning on one arguments that the said airport is not a brand new airport but rather an extension of the previous one; such postulation is unfortunate especially when the evidences are glaring and real.
Let’s agree for argument sake that the New Airport is an extension of the previous one but what necessitated the Bio led government to facilitate a 270m $ project. Does it mean that the then Lungi Airport was of international standard and the government willfully places a 25yrs debt on the people of Sierra Leone?
Usually, Airports have a lot of untapped economic potential due to their proximity and connectivity to other part of the country. In determining the viability of such business growth, many aspects were considered in relation to the airport’s current market position and the alignment of aspirations between the airport and the city (town) where it is located.
Firstly, since 1967 when the Lungi international airport runway was expanded, this was the first time in the history of this country that a completely new international airport terminal has been constructed, and that no government has ever done such a massive infrastructural development in this sector except under President Bio’s regime.
President Bio told the people of Lungi that his government inherited an airport that was cramped-up, dome-like structure with unmaintained, barely-functional, and very uncomfortable facilities, citing that with such airport, Sierra Leone was 20% compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) requirements.
He went on further that experiences at the arrival and departure concourses, the luggage carousel, the airport foyers and exits were a far cry from what passengers would ever experience at modern airports all over the world. Passenger volumes hovered around a low 200,000. Runways, taxi ways, air aprons were in good condition but needed repairs.
The said new airport consist of new fire engine, navigational aids, runway lighting, and invested in emergency services as safety and other international ratings of the airport improved dramatically over the last four and half years.
The distance between the two airport is 42Km meaning the airport would not have met the requirement of 20Km procedure control; therefore there was going to be an airspace conflict – so Lungi had to be shut down if the deal for Mammah airport was materialize by the then regime (APC).
Therefore, the newly Ultra modern Airport was an experience close to hysteria. A joy that makes you want to scream and shed a tear. Every Sierra Leonean deserves a look at this beautiful edifice that these fantastic Turkish architectural craftsmen have brought to our land; a true Sierra Leonean will complement President Bio’s efforts in rebranding the image of our country.
The residents of Kaffu Bullom Chiefdom will benefit enormously from this development because it will promote job creation, boost tourism sector, support international trade and attract new investment for other governmental sectors.
It will further enhance training, transformation of lives, and growth in our economy, years of global appeal that would attract international investment and make our Country the ultimate destination for tourists, years of delivering an image that would make the world forget the reputation we earned for butchering and amputating ourselves for ten years, and another years of unbridled corruption perpetuated by Sierra Leoneans who were desperate to enrich themselves and not the people, and above all this, 25 years of legacy that would always speak to the vision of one man, President Julius Maada Bio.
This brand new airport have a new apron area that accommodates at least 8 large aircraft,and consist of a new passenger terminal, a new presidential and VIP terminal, a new air traffic control tower with ultramodern equipment, ICT infrastructure, radio telephony, a new parallel taxiway that connects to the existing runway, with connecting bridges, a new search and rescue, and new firefighting facility. Also additional investments in international standard hotels, convention centers, and more are being considered for this general airport area and this can only make this airport even more attractive to new carriers, tourists, and businesses that bring hope to the people of Sierra Leone.
The airport further consist of a 1.5 megawatts solar farm that supplies green energy to the new facility which is unique in the African region with an ultramodern airport terminal that is three times larger than the existing terminal and has brand new facilities that will accommodate up to a million passengers a year.
Sierra Leone now offers a safer, modern, and very comfortable airport, which is a sustainable and modern airport that will generate economic growth and national development.
However, it will interest you to know that the New Airport have been certified by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards and by complying with Annex 14 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation 1947. The benefit is that Sierra Leone will now have more and bigger flights coming and because we have been certified this will create more opportunities for job creation-the more the merrier. Before been certified many flights reluctantly refuse to come to Sierra Leone while others will risk the chance of flying to Sierra Leone that was not covered by insurance.
In conclusion, this new airport was constructed in Lungi not for any political reason; this government believes that Lungi and Port Loko deserve to maintain the Airport as an international gateway to Sierra Leone, and it will open up Sierra Leone to the world- an indication that the country was moving in the right direction. It was disclosed at the launching that the brand-new airport is bigger and more modern and it has been built with zero cents in debt under the Build Operate and Transfer (BOT) model.
Fisherman Sentenced 15 Years For Sexually Penetrating 70 Years Old Woman
By: Hafsatu Z Bangura
Thirty-seven (37) year-old fisherman Thamiu Kamara, was on Monday 6th March 2023, sentenced to 15 years imprisonment by Justice Alhaji Momoh Jah Stevens presiding at the Sexual Offense Model Court for raping a 70 years old woman.
The convict was before the court on one count of rape contrary to Section 6 of the Sexual Offense No. 2012 of 2012 as repealed and replaced by Section 2 of the Sexual Offense Amendment Act No.8 of 2019.
State prosecutor Janneh P. Kamara, alleged that the convict on the 15th June 2022 in Freetown, raped a 70 year-old woman without her consent.
Before the convict was sentenced, Detective Sergeant 11196 Mohamed Musa attached to Family Support Unit Aberdeen police station, reaffirmed that he recognized the accused and recalled on the date in question.
He said on that particular day at around 3:00 MP, he was on duty at the said station when the victim and some neighbors arrested and brought the accused to the station and made a report of rape against the accused.
He further told the Court that the matter was allocated to him for further investigations and he later obtained statement from the victim and witnesses.
The investigator said on the same day, he issued a police medical request form to the victim for treatment at the Aberdeen Women Centre. He added that the victim later returned to the station with the endorsed medical form which was tendered in court as exhibit.
He continued that on the same day, himself together with the victim, the accused and Detective Sergeant 1396 Sesay S. visited the scene of crime and photos were taken at the alleged scene but nothing of police interest was found.
The witness informed the court that on the 16th June 2022, he obtained statement from the accused where he made a confessional statement.
While reading his confessional statement in court, the witness said the accused told him that he stays at the same address with the victim as his neighbor.
He added that the accused further told him that he frequently asked the victim for sexual intercourse especially when victim is drunk adding that, the allegation against him is true.
After testifying, the accused without a Lawyer representing him, said he had no questions for the witness.
However, the prosecution closed their case, where she said they called one witness who testified in respect of the matter and exhibits were tendered in court to form part of the evidence.
In his judgment, Justice Stevens said it was the burden of the prosecution to prove its case beyond all reasonable doubt. He noted that the prosecution must prove four elements beyond all reasonable doubt.
He reiterated that the prosecution must prove that indeed the accused engaged in an act of Rape. He further that the prosecution must also prove that the accused had the intention at the time of the incident, and that he must have engaged in an unlawful act with the victim.
Justice Stevens said the accused earlier made a confessional statement to the police when he was arrested and therefore convicted him for the offense of rape. The convict pleaded for mercy.
Meanwhile, Justice Stevens said since convict did not waste the court’s time by answering to the offense and the convict is between 37 years, he therefore sentenced him to 15 years imprisonment because the person he raped is an aged woman and he molested her.