Police Headquarters, George Street Freetown, Wednesday 25 January, 2023- Contrary to what they may have been told or heard from some quarters, Head of European Union (EU) delegation Manuel Alexander Muller and the EU Regional Security Officer (RSO), Mario Torre Alvarez, have received a vivid and clear explanations on how Demonstrations/Protests are held in the Sierra Leone from no less a person but the country’s Internal Chief Security Officer, the Inspector General of Police (IGP ) William Fayia Sellu.

Taking the two-man EU Delegation through the lectures, IGP Sellu explained that the Sierra Leone Police (SLP) is not against demonstrations/protests but said people is failing to follow rules governing it.

He references 1965 Public Order Act which dictates the rules governing demonstrations/protests.

The 1965 Public Order Act, he said requires organizer/s of demonstrations/protests to write to the Inspector General of Police.

“When you write to us notifying that you want to stage a demonstration, we will invite you to an ethical interview to answer some questions including, are you the one organizing the demonstration? What are your reasons? How do you want to do it? What are the routes you want to take? Taking into consideration traffic diversion, How many people will be in attendance? How can we distinguish, differentiate or identify those who will be members of your demonstration?” said the Police Chief noting that when you go through successfully, they will now map a way forward and Police it for you but failure to follow these procedures he said they will not allow you.

He disclosed that they have never turn down anybody, who follow these rules to demonstrate, assuring that they will work with anyone “but if don’t follow the rules and just want to get up in the morning, carry placards, stand in the streets, that is not acceptable, those procedures, processes and systems must be followed” fumes the IGP stating that they have being telling people whatever you do has to be within the confines of the law.

In a value addition to the lectures on demonstrations, IGP Sellu went further to informed the delegation that in as much as the Police learnt from the August 10 insurrection, organizers of demonstrations also learnt their lessons that procedures, processes and systems must be followed.

He categorized arrest made in the August 10 insurrection into two, the first ones being those arrested during the curfew and the second being those directly involved in physical violence by burning properties and assaulting people.

Those arrested for curfew he said were taking into protective custody, cautioned and later released but those who actually took parts in physical violence were taken through the legal system.

Security situations in the country after the August 10, 2022 insurrection he said is stable which was manifested in the just finished festive season that recorded no serious case of crime.

For the June 2023, general elections, IGP Sellu informed the EU Delegation that numbers of things including election specific training, public order managements and electoral security trainings have been done but stated that more was needed especially in the area of cyber space.

The SLP with support from the USA Embassy in Sierra Leone he explained has developed an elections manual which is going to be rolled out to the multiplier forces like the Military, Correctional Officers and Fire Force to help provide adequate security during the electioneering period.

The Integrated Security System together with Office of National Security (ONS) and the Military he disclosed have concluded a nationwide security assessment and a report is being work on but pointed out that one key thing which came up in the assessment is the use of the multiplier forces.

The passing out of 1000 recruits in the next two weeks and an additional of another 1000 in May this year he said is not for elections but a normal routine of enlisting people into force after every 2 years to refill gap created  by retirees, deaths, sick and those leaving for other jobs.

He however stated that, the coming in of the recruits and the sister forces, they will be able to police the elections peacefully.

So far, he also disclosed that they have policed lower level elections for some political parties, citing the ruling party, NGC and the ongoing main opposition APC.

The SLP, IGP Sellu stated is proving security for all political parties.

Every now and then we are receiving requests to police declaration of intentions by flagbearers aspirants and others, said the Police Chief noting that the rule for requests says 72 hours to the declaration but in most cases we receive requests few hours and because it is political activity, we provide security, so meaning we are bending backwards to accommodate their activities.

Head of EU Delegation in Sierra Leone Manuel Alexander Muller in an astonished mood after the lecture commended the SLP leadership for the successful implementations of training and the maintenance of law and order in the country.

He informed that in the next week they are expecting a team that have in their midst security experts from Brussels who will be here to explore possibilities for the election observations mission in this year June general elections and would want the team to have an interactive session with the SLP a request that was acceded to by IGP Sellu.

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