The National Coordinator of the Jagaban Movement, Mr Sullivan Kallon and his entourage from Freetown, today, officially launched the Jagaban Movement Bo District at a ceremony held in Bo City, Bo District, the southern regional Head Quarters. The ceremony attracted people drawn from every walk of life.
Speaking on the mission and vision of the Jagaban Movement, Mr Kallon said, the Movement was borne out of addressing the much needed felt needs of the people of Sierra Leone.
Mr Kallon, in his address, gave a brief biography of the Founder and Strategist of the Movement, Sheik Alhaji Mohamed Kamara alias Money-Jagaban. He said, Mr Kamara was born in Blama, Small Bo Chiefdom, Kenema District and he’s a Philanthropist and Business Mogul based in the United States of America.
“Money-Jagaban has taken development projects ranging from water and sanitation, agriculture, sport, health, microcredit and provided financial support to the reconstruction of Masjids and schools across the country”, he explained.
The community people in their submission to Mr Kallon and his team, amongst the long list on the menu of felt needs highlighted where the ceremony was hosted, prominent were: the reconstruction of the Samie community market, building the culvert leading to the community market, and a community hand dug well, took the center stage.
The women of Bo District called on Money-Jagaban to providing them with microcredit to start business and the physically challenged appealed for providing them with tools since a host of them have skills to set up their enterprises.
The District Coordinator of the Jagaban Movement in Bo District, Lady Chris, reassured her people of Mr Kamara’s unflinching support to realizing their dreams.
The exchanging of gestures climaxed the ceremony.