By: Haja Hawa Koroma
In an exclusive interview with the International School Head Teacher, Ms. Esther Elizabeth Dunn told this medium that to have a successful institution there should be committed staff. She made this statement in connection with the recent success of the international School in the just concluded National Primary School Examination 2022 where the school got the highest mark in the country.
Ms. Dunn stated that there is no secret behind their success as hard work, devotion and commitment led them to the end product of achieving this success.
She added that, parents have always trusted to send their children to the International School because of their output, since every parent craves success for their children and their school has always proven successful in rendering quality education to all its pupils.
Furthermore, the Head Teacher mentioned that the school takes pride in having very good teachers and that is another reason for their success and them having influx of parents enrolling their children to the International School. Because no matter how good a school is without good teachers it cannot survive as training children requires team work.
Ms. Dunn believes that teachers are the engines of development and without them the schools will not be able to work effectively, so having very good and committed teachers will push any school to success.
Whereas, Mr. Jere Jones, the class six teacher of the girl with the best NPSE result, stated that Lorraine Pabs-Garnon is a very quiet and charming girl who is very hardworking and always takes her school work seriously.
Mr. Jones revealed that there were over ten girls in his class whom he foresaw to could’ve scored the highest grade and Lorraine was one of them. He mentioned that Lorraine behaves like any regular 10 year old but she takes her school work extremely serious.
The class teacher explained that they motivate their pupils to complete their syllabus and engages them in continuous discussions about what to expect in the exams and tells them of the benefits of passing the exams etc. This inspires them to work hard and emerge successful.
Mr. Jones stated that he feels very humbled to have been one of the teachers who taught the girl because the girl has passed through other teachers who have played a major role in her success. He further went on that grooming pupils is a teamwork that no one person can do and all the teachers she has passed through have done a good job which produced this positive end result.
He expressed his pride in not having one but five pupils who are in the 1st to 10th position in the NPSE results. And added that all his pupils are extremely brilliant and they all have the capability to do well in any exam.
The NPSE results were released on Monday 11th July 2022 and according to the Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary School Education Dr. David Sengeh the results are remarkable, with a pass rate of 81% nationwide and this is the record for the 2022 National Primary School Examination result. Dr. David Sengeh also disclosed that the top three candidates in the examination are girls.
He takes pride in the progress that the Free Quality Education is making and the President Bio’s New Direction Government which has been allocating a colossal sum of 22% of the National Budget towards the Free Quality Education Project is being utilized well.