By: Mohamed M. Sesay
In commemoration of the African Child’s Day, the Executive Secretary of Forum against Harmful Practices (FAHP) madam Aminata Koroma has yesterday the 16th of June 2022, sent a strong warning against harmful practices and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) which often lead to excessive bleeding and death of children below the ages of eighteen years.
Giving a situational context of FGM in Sierra Leone, Madam Aminata Koroma intimated that absence of an approved National Policy/ law on the abandonment of FGM makes FGM rampant in Sierra Leone; as most communities including parents and guardians are generally not aware of the harmful effects of FGM that may include genital injury, fatal bleeding or death.
She categorically stated that there is practically no demonstrated government commitment in ending FGM in Sierra Leone. She said the country’s legal framework has no clear stance on FGM, thus increasing the vulnerability level of women and girls. Madam Koroma acknowledged that the Ministry of Gender and Children’s Affairs is however, in a conversation to propose a bill that will prohibit the cutting of under 18 girls.
“Whilst this is a good move in the legal framework, FAHP believes and upholds the view that ‘Age of Consent’ is no political will to abandon the practice but to delay the process, noting that FGM is not a respecter of age. FGM is traumatic and the consequences remain the same or if not even worse at age 18 and above”, she said.
As recent as the 20th of December 2021, Madam Koroma recalled that 21-year-old Maseray Sei lost her life at Nyandahun village, Imperri Chiefdom, Bonthe district after going through FGM procedure leaving behind 2 young children of 4 years and a six Months old baby.
She added that the autopsy result proved that her death was as a result of hemorrhage due to clitorectomy.
She also recalled that similar incident happened on the 18th December 2018, when another sad event took place at the Mattie village in the Gaindema Section in Yoni Mamaila Chiefdom, Tonkolili District wherein, a 10-year-old Marie Kamara also lost her life in a similar situation.
She continued that police also removed 3 other girls between the ages of 10 and 11 years from the Bondo Bush as well as the corpse of Marie Kamara. Also in 2017, Madam Koroma intimated that one Fatmata Turay 19 years old died after initiation in Makeni.
The Executive Secretary maintained that the absence of a national law on zero tolerance is creating a scope for politicians who ought to protect vulnerable girls/women to pay/support for the initiation of girls as a campaign tool to garner support from parents, women and young girls during national and local council elections.
She said there is a National Strategy on the Reduction of FGM that was developed in 2015 adding that, such strategy was never approved regardless of the national consultations made and engagements with the previous government of Sierra Leone.
She noted that Series of engagements were also made with the line Ministries of Gender and Children’s Affairs, Ministry of Public and Political Affairs, Ministry of Social Welfare, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Local Government and Internal Affairs of the current government to influence the approval of the strategy but results are yet in the air.
Aminata Koroma revealed that the strategy was meant to enhance Government’s commitment in the fight against FM in the country which informed the theme of DAC 2022 “focus on harmful practices affecting children”.
She assured that the commemoration of the DAC 2022 presents an opportunity for the ACERWC to evaluate what has been done, and what ought to be done to eliminate harmful practices in Africa.
The DAC 2022 calls for serious introspection and commitment towards addressing the numerous challenges related to harmful practices that children are facing across the continent.
She concluded by intimating that the theme of DAC2022 focuses on harmful practices affecting children, to stress the urgent need to eliminate all harmful practices and advance the realization of children’s rights in Africa. She emphasized that the theme of DAC2022 further highlights the prevalence of harmful practices in Africa, the significant role and responsibility of every stakeholder to ensure that every child is protected from harmful practices.