No matter how rich your man is, even if he’s making millions and millions of dollars it is important for you to make your own money as a woman, because money is power and having money gives you the power to choose whether you want to be with that man or not.
There are so many women who stay in mentally and physically abusive relationships because they cannot support themselves and they see no way out and when a man knows this, he’s going to act the way he wants and say the stuffs he wants to say because he knows no matter what he does leaving him is not an option for you since you can’t fend for yourself.
But when you make your own money you are automatically putting him to notice that you are in the relationship because you want to be not because you have to be and thus he’s going to check himself before doing or saying stupid things because he knows you have the power to choose and you may not choose him if you so desire. So make your own money and keep your power to choose.
Furthermore it is important for a woman to make her own money because it allows you to have buying power, you can buy your own clothes, shoes, bags, cosmetics, jewelries, car and even build your own house or get an apartment, you won’t have to constantly suffer in your husband’s house for lack of place to live if need be.
Instead of always asking the man for money to buy even the simplest of things, or asking for permission to buy them because you are using his money, you can buy anything you want for yourself without asking for permission from anybody. You can also contribute to the family’s economics and that will help the family to grow faster financially and economically.
For people that may want to render assistance to their family members this will help you greatly especially if you are with a husband that frowns at such gesture. You can assist your family members in any way you want since it’s your money that you are spending and not his.
Another reason as to why it is important for a woman to make her own money is for you to have your identity. So many women after getting married or being in a long term relationship tend to lose their true identity as their entire identity is dependent on their husband and the kids.
As a woman who makes her own money this gives you the time to gain exposure and experiences that will make you have something to talk about other than your husband, household and the kids and won’t be the kind of woman who doesn’t even have favorite things other than what her husband likes.
Having your own identity automatically put your man on notice that you are your own person and he is not your everything and your whole world doesn’t revolve around him and this makes you a lot more desirable because having your own identity and knowing who you are is beyond sexy. So make your own money, keep your identity and continue being the amazing, intelligent and smart woman that you are.
Making your own money as woman allows you to reach your full potential and this will make you happier. Not everybody wants to hear this but research shows that women who stay at home full time to take care of their kids and household do not get to experience their full potential and tend to suffer from extreme sadness, anger and depression than moms who go to work and realize their dreams.
Going out to work is not for monetary issues only as each day you meet with colleagues you crack jokes, experience a peaceful atmosphere etc. and this helps a lot in forgetting problems that tends to frustrate you, even if it’s for the moment, at least if you are not laughing at home your colleagues will make you laugh at the office.
When you don’t reach your full potential you feel unfulfilled and when that happens it creates a void inside of you and since you are not working and you don’t have any extracurricular activity to fill up that void you are going to rely on people to fill up that void, be it your husband, kids etc. Regardless of the fact that they are important people in your life, they are not there to complete you, you are responsible for your own happiness and completeness.
One other important reason as to why a woman should make her own money is because it makes you equal in the relationship. Studies show that women who work outside of their home are considered more equal by their partners than those who don’t. Even if you are not making as much money as he is, it doesn’t matter you will still be viewed as more equal because you can at least provide for yourself.
One thing a lot of guys don’t want to hear is it doesn’t matter how many kids you are taking care of, it doesn’t matter how clean the house is, it doesn’t matter if you are having dinner every night at the dinner table when he gets home, he will never see that work as equal to his. He will always see himself as the one that is bringing in the money as more important than what you are doing inside the home. So make your own money ladies for s sustainable life.