September 30, 2021
Albert Baron Ansu
IMATT Community was a scene terror yesterday as over three hundred Police officers descended on the community to demolish houses and shacks on the south ridge of Hill Station.
Tear gas canisters were discharged in the process creating a scene of pandemonium reminiscent of the war days.
One kid is said have been severely injured in the melee and was in a near death state as we went to press.
Also, one Army Officer was said to have been beaten up for attempting to intercede on behalf of those whose houses have been demolished.
The kingpin behind the demolition is the CEO of PAVI FORT, Alimu Barrie, who is said to be boasting of high political connection to bulldoze legitimate process of evicting supposed squatters on the land contested.
It was an emotional scene yesterday as pupils returned from school and saw their vandalized homes with nowhere to sleep. Hundreds of people are no displaced and there are claims that the household property were carted away by those hirelings of the Police that embarked on the illegal demolition exercise.
The name of Deputy Inspector General of Police Elizabeth Tury has been mentioned in the controversial demolition exercise.
We gathered that on Monday she called those affected by the demolition to a meeting and they produce their documents laying claims to plots of the land.
“We produced our documents and DIG Elizabeth Turay kept it only for her to call us later and handed over the said documents telling us that there is a writ from the court to evict us,” disclosed Alie Kamara one of the victim of the illegal demolition exercise.
The land victims are said to have requested to see the court writ on which purported basis the Police have acted. DIG Elizabeth Turay could not produce it.
Our investigation has gathered that this is a government surrendered land since 2012 and Alimu Barrie who had laid controversial claim to it was reportedly awarded parcels of land at Motormeh in compensation. He is said to have sold told the said land to HFC. We called Alimu Barrie on his 099337137 to cross check these allegations and he failed to respond.
Media One of the SLP Assistant Commissioner of Police Brima Kamara yesterday admitted that Police embarked on the IMATT community raid and demolition exercise. He said it was based on court writ but declined to share the writ with A-Z Newspaper.
DIG Elizabeth Turay yesterday also refused to answer our call after several attempts. She is said to be the mother in law of one Mickey Gbondo, who is the site manager of Alimu Barrie, the man said to have compromised the Police in usurping the function of the Court. There was clearly no bailiff involved and those affected say they had never been served a court summon initiated by Alimu Barrie as supposed landowner of the land in question.
Those affected by this unlawful demolition exercise yesterday vowed to converge to the residence of President Bio and cry out for shelter and restitution of their stolen property.
More on the story in subsequent edition…