By Audrey John

29yrs old Aruna Samura made another appearance before Magistrate Sahr Kekura of Pademba road court No.1 in Freetown on five Count charges to wit Conspiracy to commit a felony contrary to law, Assault with intent to Rob contrary to section 23 (1) (a) of the Larceny Act 1916, wounding with intent contrary to section 18 of the offences against the person Act 1861, wounding Contrary Section 20 of the offences against the person Act 1816 and Assault occasioning actual bodily harm contrary to section 47 of the offences against the person Act 1816

According to the particulars of offence on Tuesday 15th March 2022 at No.17 Bath Street Brookfields the western area in Freetown conspired together and with other persons unknown to commit a felony to wit Robbery with Aggravation on the same date and place being armed with knife and scissor assaulted Mohamed Bobson Conteh with intent to Rob him.

 On count three at the same place and date wounded with intent to cause him grievous bodily harm and assaulted him actual bodily harm.

Prosecution witness number one Simeon Samuel Conteh Dpc 15315 attached to the Criminal Investigation Department CID headquarters Pademba Road Freetown said he recognized the accused in the dock.

 he recall the 15th day of March 2022 on that day whilst on duty at the said office he received a called from coalition from Mental Health Sierra Leone at No17 Bart Street Brookfields Freetown on the said date a team of police officers headed by Detective DSP H.Gbonda including himself left Criminal Investigation Department Headquarters on board a police vehicle with registration number CIL 237 from Brookfields.

The witness said they met the Head for coalition from Mental Health Sierra Leone and others have already arrested the accused person the head of the said office who showed one of his fingers which was allegedly wounded by the accused person with a knife he also showed one of the windows of the finance office that was opened in which he alledge that the accused person opened the witness said the senior crime officer Dpc 13274 Bangura H and Dpc 19419 Lahai F took snap shots of the Crime scene.

 He observed that the window was opened, he said the team left together with the accused person for the Criminal Investigation Department on their arrival at the said office Mohamed Bobson Conteh made report against the accused person and he later returned with an endorsed medical report form to the police the endorsed medical form was in the custody of the police it was produce and tendered and marked as exhibit A.

 He later obtained statements from complainant and witnesses  on the 15th March 2022 himself and DPC 14875 Conteh E obtained voluntary caution statement from the accused person Dpc 14875 Conteh cautioned and questioned the accused in krio language which he recorded it in English language at the conclusion of his statement it was read and explained to the accused person he admitted it to be true by afflicting his right hand thumb print witness by Dpc 14875 Coomber E and he signed it as the recorder.

 The said statement was in the custody of the police which was produced and tendered in court and marked as exhibit B1-9 on the 21st March 2022 himself and DPC 14875 Coomber E charged the accused person with the offences he now stands trials they followed the procedure in the judges rule the accused person signed his charge statement witness by Dpc 14875 Coomber and he signed as the recorder the charge statement of the accused person was produce and tender in court and marked as exhibit C1-3

Cross examination by the accused person, it is possible for someone to thumb print twice on the same page yes how long have you been an investigator ten years now I am putting it to you that you didn’t read my charge statement to me that is not my thumb print the witness said he refused to sign on it.

However, Magistrate Keikura refused bail and sent the accused person to the male correctional center in Freetown matter adjourned to the 20th April 2022.

Sergeant 9939 Mohamed Lahai is prosecuting the Matter.

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