By Audrey John

Alusine Kargbo, Unissa Kamara, Amza Kamara, Momoh Bangura, Santigie Conteh, Adikalie Kamara, Mohamed Ibrahim Kamara, Daniel Tamba Fornah, Abdul Kanu and Ibrahim Thomas and seventeen others made their third appearance before magistrate Sahr Keikura of Pademba road court No.1 in Freetown on three count charges to wit Riotous conduct contrary to section 12(1) of the public order Act No.46 of 1965 as repealed by Act No.15 of 1973, Disorderly behavior contrary to section 12 of the public order Act No.46 of 1965 as amended by section 15 of Act No.2 of 1073 and throwing missiles contrary to section 6 of the public order Act No.46 of 1965.

According to the particulars of offence on Monday 28th March 2022 within the Freetown municipality the western area in Freetown all the accused persons behaved in a riotous manner on count two at the same place and date.

 All accused persons behaved in a disorderly manner on count three at the same place and date all the accused persons were found throwing missiles.

The charges were read and explained to all the accused persons on their first appearance and they pleaded guilty on all counts charge.

The lead counsel M. Berete Nicol pleading on behalf of the accused persons said the accused persons didn’t waste time, and that the Bench should caution and discharge the accused persons as this is the first time they have come into conflict with the Law.

Led in evidence by Deputy Superintendent of police Isatu Gbassy Fofanah.

However,  Magistrate Keikura in giving his ruling said having pleaded guilty on all three counts and taken into consideration the plea in mitigation on their behalf and also not losing sight of the fact that these offences are now on the increase in Sierra Leone he sentence each accused persons to eight months imprisonment at the male correctional center in Freetown and should pay a fine of two hundred and fifty thousand Leones to the State.

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