By: Audrey John

Magistrate Mark Ngegba of the Pademba Road Court No. 2 yesterday  14th July, 2022 put 11 accused on bail in the sum of Le40,000 ( forty thousand Leones) for alleged offence of carrying offensive weapons contrary to law.

The bail condition required them to produce one surety each in like sum that should provide identification card to prove of residents in Freetown and the sureties shall produce a utility bill receipt.

Magistrate Ngegba ordered that the bail condition shall be approved by the Deputy Assistant Registrar (DAR).

According to particulars of offence, on Thursday 7th July, at Lumley in Freetown the accused Momodu Sesay and 10 others were found carrying offensive weapons to wit cutlass, knifes, scissors without lawful authority or reasonable excuses.

The accused pleaded not guilty when they were arraigned.

At this stage, Police Prosecutor 17706 Sanpha H. informed the Court that his witness was absent and assured the Bench to proceed on the next adjourned date.

The matter will come up again on Wednesday 20th July, 2022.

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